St Andrews Methodist Church, Sheringham
Weybourne chapel events & news
A warm welcome to EVERYONE to join us.....
On 17th. May 2017, our monthly coffee morning, was coupled with the Dedication for the official opening of our disabled friendly toilet, which we find is "twinned" with a latrine No 10794 Kitarama Rutshurhu In Democratic Republic of Congo.
We also held a bric a brac stall for Action for Children which raised £23.05, a welcome donation.
Our Pet Service in June was led by Rev. David Philo, and the congregation was joined by seven dogs too!
If you missed our Nativity Festival the other year here are a couple of photos from the event.
The Plant Stall
will restart at the end of March till September,
any cuttings, seedlings etc will be gratefully received.
The Friendship Club meets every 2nd Wednesday in the month
from 2.30 - 4pm. New members made very welcome.
Weybourne Chapel Chapel History Chapel features